Thursday, February 20, 2020


Resultado de imagen de millones de euros de jugadores

Is it necessary to pay so much to actors and athletes? The world hasn't problems most importants? I don't agree with the fact that actors and athletes are paid too much because the world has more important problems.

First of all I think that if you are an actor or an athlete you are a person that in all your life you have made an effort to be a important person, so you are paid very well. But not millions of euros because this money is not necessary for your file.

Secondly, in the world  we have people that haven't food. Obviously, the solution is not in the actors and athletes but if this important people help people that do not have food, the world will change.

In conclusion, I think that actors and professional athletes are paid too much, It's obvious that this people have to be paid very well but not the millions of euros that they're paid.


Titanic is one of the most important films in histori. The film was filmed in 1912 in the Atlantic. The director is James Cameron and the main characters are Leonardo Dicaprio as Jack Dawson and Kate Winslet as Rose Dewitt Bukater.

It tells the story about a boy that is in love with a girl called Rose Dewitt Bukater. The movie takes place in an Atlantic cruise that travels across the ocean. The story about Jack and Rose is about love and the relation finishes because the ship collides with an iceberg. The girl, Rose is saved thanks to a door but her boyfriend Jack dies.

Titanic is an outstanding film wich keeps fans on edge as the plot unfold. In addition to a love story, viewers are transported to the most breathtaking locations.

I highly recommend this move. The plot takes so many and turns that Titanic fans have learned one thing: expecte the unexpected.

Resultado de imagen de titanic

Thursday, January 9, 2020


Barcelona ir one of the most important cities in the world. BArcelona is situated in Spain and It's the capital of Catalonia. Barcelona is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Resultado de imagen de tibidaboBarcelona is very beautiful. You can visit diferent things for example Sagrada Familia. This is a symbol of all Catalonia and it's very beautiful. Anothere thing that you must visit If you travel to Barcelona is Tibidabo his a very famous part. If yougo, you can see all Barcelona but it's a tourist trap.

In Barcelona you can eat very well. It's restaurants and its typical food is fantastic. I recommend that if you go to the port, you can eat fish.
Another very important thing in Barcelona is the wide rauge of natoinalities, In this city we can see people that come form all.

In conclusion barcelona is the perfect city iy you are looking for a city for a holidays because it has fantastic people, fantastic food and fantastic football!


Are exams necessary or not for the education? I believe that exams are necessary for the education but not for all the subjects.

I agree wtih the exams in Batxillerat for example because we need to study a lot of things taht we need in the future.But in Eso I don't agree with exams because the level of ESO is lower than Batxillerat. I think that people that do Eso they should do more projects. But not all projects because when some people arrive at batxillerat this people do not think for an exam.
Resultado de imagen de foto examenI don't agree with "selectivitat", selectivitat is an exam to go to university. If you have a bad day and you don't pass the exam you don't go to university that you choose and that's not correct.

In conclusion, I agree with the exams but not doing always exams because projects are very important to learn.