Wednesday, May 8, 2019


To start the idea to do more pedestrian zones is good beacuse in big cities this is a problem buscause big cities have more people who walk on the pedestrian zone and the pedestrian zone is very little.. This is one of the reasons why cities centres must be turned into a carfree pedestrian-only zone.

Firstly, I think that peoplewho walk on the pedestrian zone are very poor because cars pass very fast. If in the cities they put only a pedestrian zone the people would walk in a more relaxing way. Beacuse cars don't pass.

Secondly, this ir very importantpollution.Pollution of cars is very bigand if you put more pedestrian zones, the people don't have use the car and they go on foot to the shops.

In conclusion the idea to do more pedestrian zones is a good idea because personally I think that improves the level of life of the people of the city.